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 10 results in yourPeople - Subjectsearch for"St Peter of Verona"Advanced Search
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The Death of Saint Peter Martyr, 1739. Creator: John Baptist Jackson.
The Death of Saint Peter Martyr, c. 1738. Creator: John Baptist Jackson.
The Martyrdom of Saint Peter, ca. 1560. Creator: Martino Rota.
Saint Peter Martyr, c. 1450-60. Creator: Unknown.
The Death of St. Peter Martyr, 1530/35. Creator: Giovanni Girolamo Savoldo.
Initial P with the Martyrdom of Saint Peter Martyr, Italian, second half 13th century. Creator: Unknown.
Initial P with the Martyrdom of Saint Peter Martyr, second half 13th century. Creator: Unknown.
Manuscript Leaf with the Martyrdom of Saint Peter Martyr in an Initial P..., ca. 1270-80. Creator: Unknown.
'Martydom of St Peter Martyr', 16th century, (1937). Artist: Martino Rota
'St Peter Martyr', 16th century, (1937). Artist: Luca Bertelli